As it appears that we are at the end of a winter season that has been filled with cooler weather and a festive season that understandably factored in holiday leave for staff, now is a good time for businesses to begin a thorough spring clean of their electrical office equipment. Depending on how long a business has been operating, it is quite probable that not all of its electrical office items would have been acquired at the same time, making some of this electrical equipment much older than others. This being the case, how can a business ensure that all of this equipment, regardless of when it may have been purchased, is consistently safe for its staff members to use?

Electrical appliances that should undergo the PAT testing process in a workplace can be listed under many different categories but a detailed visual inspection should always be undertaken as part of the initial testing procedure. This visual inspection is very important for a PAT testing engineer to help determine if, upon primary inspection, the item shows any signs of cosmetic damage. However minor this damage may initially appear, it could potentially expose the user of the equipment to an electrical shock. Encountering any sort of electrical shock is definitely not something that any business owner would ever want any members of staff to be subjected to within their working environment. The solution to this is quite straightforward and is easily and quickly resolved by ensuring that extensive PAT testing of electrical items is undertaken on a regular basis. This confirms that equipment is professionally certified as safe for use by a qualified PAT testing technician. If any electrical device fails an initial visual inspection, details will promptly be reported back to the client with a recommended course of action to safely remedy the issue.

Upon a business engaging a PAT Testing expert, it can be helpful if the engineer is made aware of how many portable and fixed items may be encountered before arriving at the premises. Knowing how many appliances will require testing allows the engineer to advise a business of how long this process is likely to take.

It is always helpful for any business that wishes to engage a PAT testing engineer to previously ensure that any foods, liquids and drink items are safely secured away from all electrical devices before inspection commences. To do this before a PAT testing engineer arrives to a business premises will further ensure that there are no unnecessary disturbances to the working day.